Certified Forensic Examiner & Profiler with Over 20 Years of Experience.
Advocating For Individuals & Communities
Society today has seen a marked increase in domestic violence, sexual harassment law suits, and crimes of violence against women and children. Corporations spend millions of dollars settling law suits of every conceivable kind as well as spending thousands of dollars training employees only to have the employees let go or resign, because they were placed in a position that was not well suited for them.
How can you the employer, employee, parent or single person avoid such pitfalls? In today's society, information is power and this information can be provided to you by a Certified Forensic Examiner & Profiler.
The American public is both uninformed and misinformed about Forensic Threat Assessment Profiling, Handwriting Analysis (based on American trait theory), Forensic Linguistic Analysis (Your Words) and Nonverbal Communication (body language). Profiling is not based on a person's race, creed, color or national origin. It is based on behavior and what the behavior patterns are telling me. What a person projects and what he/she may be in reality are two different matters.
It is my hope that this website will give you a better understanding of these diagnostic tools and illustrate how I use them on a therapeutic and forensic level. Profilers attempt to answer the question. "What is the best I can hope for? What is the worst I can expect?” from the personality when emotions come into play and logic is reduced. I can help you to acquire a better understanding of your emotional make up and why you may be misunderstood at times and the emotional make up of the people in your personal and professional life. Is he/she being honest and straight forward with you. Is what he/she projecting the true personality they are. I analyze e-mail, text messages, written or verbal communications for deception if deception exists. What are their behavior patterns telling me, what type of personality are you involved with.
As a threat assessment profiler, I detect, identify, analyze and evaluate the personalities true confiidence, not projected confidence and self esteem. This is where serious problems will surface in a partnership, relationship and friendship. Sometimes with devastating consequences. A common misconception that threat assessment profilers / examiners encounter is being perceived as palm readers and fortune tellers. We no not predict the future.
I have a very compassionate approach in the way I work with my clients since we will be talking about very sensitive and personal emotional issues that are important to you.
I am non-judgmental. I am here to help and teach you something about " Human Behavior." Remember, information is power. The more you learn/understand, the sooner you begin helping yourself. Please read my reviews and feed backs found on my feed backs and ratings link. You can contact me through my contact page below or e-mail directly at iafei@msn.com. You can reach me on my Click 4 Advisor link above my extension is 29707 or Ingenio's live advice link my extension is 01155. I will do everything in my power to help bring clarity and give you the information you need to keep you out of harms way.
Profilers do not make medical evaluations. A medical evaluation made based on a personality profile is extremely unprofessional, damaging and illegal.
Anthony Iantosca, BCFE
Certified Forensic Handwriting Examiner
Board Certified Forensic Examiner
IAFEI Headquarters:
347 Canton Street
Randolph, Massachusetts 02368
Phone: 781-986-6124
Cell: 617-694-2741
Fax: 781-961-2351
Email: iafei@msn.com
Areas of Practice
Certified Forensic Examiner/Profiler
Diplomat of the American Board of Forensic Examiners, 1994-2018
American Board of Forensic Examiners Assistant Training Director, 1995-2004
Forensic Examiner Profiler for the International Academy of Forensic Examiners and Investigators
20+ years assessing the personality and their potential for violent and aggressive behavior
Threat assessment analysis of documents involving homicide, attempted kidnapping, anonymous letters, stalking and drugs
I have provided these services and performed them for psychologists, psychiatrists, attorneys and the private sector
LiveAdvice Specialist
In 2005, I became an advisor on the LiveAdvice AT&T Intellectual Property website, working with clients' world wide. I have become their highest rated male advisor/profiler.
To review my web page, ratings and feedbacks, please visit LiveAdvice.
Community Advocate
Active member of the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence and the Asian Shelter and Advocacy Project (A.S.A.P.)
Educator / Trainer
Educator/trainer in Basic, Therapeutic, and Forensic Profiling Through Written Communication
Approved by authority of the Massachusetts Department of Education's Secondary Education as a Private Occupational School, 1997-2011
Licensing: Checkmate Forensic Handwriting Examiners # 961031-C
The IAFEI website was created by Forensic Experts, who have been trained, certified and have extensive experience in the field. The authors of the IAFEI website are not licensed mental health professionals or affiliated with any licensed medical health organization. This content is intended for informational purposes only, and should be treated accordingly. It is based on our own experiences, training, skill, knowledge and experience and is shared in good faith.
As a threat assessment profiler I am explaining behavior patterns that are "consistent with not diagnosed as." However, the information contained within should not be used to replace or modify the diagnosis or treatment recommendations of any licensed mental health professional or medical practitioner. Please consult with your doctor, therapist or mental health professional before applying any statements or articles from the Academy page to your own situation.
The authors of The International Academy of Forensic Examiners & Investigators (IAFEI) shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the use or misuse of information contained within the Academy page. For additional information and my articles on Forensic Profiling, Handwriting Analysis, Forensic Linguistic Analysis and Nonverbal Communication. Please visit my pages on Facebook. Anthony Iantosca on Facebook and the International Academy of Forensic Examiners & Investigators on Facebook & my home page Anthony Iantosca, BCFE on LinkedIn.